Wednesday 10 June 2015


It doesn't matter if you're a global citizen or not, global issues impact EVERYONE in one way. Child labour in China doesn't only effect the children in China, but us as well. We all live on the same planet, breathe the same air, and buy/trade products with each other. So, whether the GLOBAL issue is occurring in China, it effects us Canadians. We are one of the countries that are making this issue worse. We create more and more jobs for the kids, because we rely on China for so many things.

Everyone can contribute to a positive change (stopping child labour). We can start buying fair trade, research where our clothes were made, and stop buying so much produce from a child labouring country. So, as family's, companies, and individuals, we can all start any day now, it's very easy to switch where you buy your clothes or food, it's not going to completely change your lifestyle. If we all "Pitch in", we will start seeing a positive change in the amount of children impacted my labour.

Even the smallest action, such as paying fair trade, or even maybe paying extra fees for a child-free product. It's unbelievable how much we can change this terrible situation. If you donate 1$ to Chinese child labour watch, it'll add up over time, which will benefit everyone! Not only will you feel great after doing it, you'll save a child! It's incredible to think that 1$ will make all the difference, but trust me 1$ adds up over time. It'll be worth it!

Global and local issues really do require a logical, well thought out plan, to solve it properly. We can't all just try to attack the situation at random times, because we need everyone helping at the same time. If someone threw in a 5$ bill, and the next donation was 50 cents six weeks later, what good will that do? We need to all be ready to attack this problem, and put it to a stop at the same time, and stop it for good! If we all worked very hard and gave as much money as willing to, at the same time, that'd be great! Everyone needs to be aware of this issue, and we all need to abolish it in an orderly fashion.

Now, I understand that I said stop buying so much from one country, and spread it out a bit. But how do we balance the world's need for products with the protection of people/the environment? We can not only spread out the time we purchase the products, but also make more products fair trade and ensure that the people and environment are protected, as well as ensuring that the countries are getting what they pay for. Fair trade does just that! It protects people, the environment and it's good price and quality! Why turn this down? This really and truly the only way you can ensure everyone and thing is safe, but countries are still getting what they pay for. Also, we need to spread out the time we purchase the products, because then we are tiring out the HAPPY workers. However if you're in desperate need of a product, that's completely understandable. 

In my opinion, we as individuals can do quite a bit, but we need help from everyone, including  the government  and corporations. Corporations are completely in control right now, but the government are able to lay down laws for stopping child labour in China, but we as individuals also need to pull our end of the stick, by really and truly understand the issues in the world, and know it's now or never. Also, it's up to us to follow those laws and decide whether or not to buy fair trade and research our products. So, as I stated before, we need everyone's help! Everyone is responsible for looking after each other, we rely on each other for everything. Therefore, everyone is responsible for finding a solution for child labour in China.

Lastly, I strongly believe that things  in a way has changed for the better over the past few decades, however some situations are getting worse and worse daily. We have grown economically, relying on each other for a lot of products, and we also have got some great new technologies as well, allowing us to really connect with each other and meet new people. Sadly, some situations such as child labour have not. Millions of children in China are suffering daily, with their lives becoming worse and worse daily, as they are growing up and missing their education. Obviously we aren't that aware and concerned about one another, because China isn't even close to being the only country that has child labour. If only there was a way to help the poor kids forever, and let them know that there are some people out there willing to help.

I hope that everyone learned a lot from this blog, because I worked very hard coming up with plans to help these children. I encourage you to share this blog, to raise awareness. I also hope that you feel differently about this situation, and are now 100% willing to help them. Please share this blog with friends, family, or post it on Facebook! In China, their rights are being violated. Which definitely needs to stop ASAP. I truly thank you for reading this blog, hopefully you do the same thing.

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