Sunday 31 May 2015

Whose involved in making Child Labour in China worse?

     Child Labour in China appears to everybody that the problem only exists in China, and there's nothing we can do about it. However, that's definitely not the case! Everyone in this world in connected in more ways then you think. We breathe the same air, and we also buy/trade products with each other. Saying that, you'd think we'd all be up-to-date with all different issues occurring all around the world right? Well, not exactly. Not everyone is aware on how big of an issue China's child labour problem is, and there are countries out there that are making it worse, and they don't even realize it! Canada, USA, and South Korea are just three examples of countries that are involved in making this issue worse, but how so?
     Firstly, Canada. Canada's population is around thirty-five million! Also, China's exports to Canada amounted to $30 billion or 1.3% of it's overall exports. That means that 30 billion dollars has been given to China, just so Canada can survive on it 's own. Canada spends so much money on Chinese products, such as clothing, electronic equipment, and furniture. Don't forget that they need a lot more employees, so they take children whose parents can't afford to take care of them. So, that means the children are put to work for fourteen hours a day, just so Canada can get what we supposedly "Must have". Children in China then die from exhaustion, and then more children are taken in, and it's a cycle. Canada can reduce their needs, or all become global citizens and buy fair trade, instead of buying unnecessary things, that isn't helping anyone but themselves.

     Secondly, USA. USA'S population is around 318 million! Isn't that insane? China's exports to the US amounted to $397.2 billion or 17% of its overall exports. That's like 13 times more dollars spent! Canada is NOTHING compared to the USA. USA can drastically reduce their exporting needs, and by somewhere closer or fair trade.  USA purchases products such as vehicles, toys, and machines/engines.The whole reason USA buys so much from China is because china makes everything very cheap, and that's where the whole labour issue comes into play. It's absolutely terrifying to see how globalized our world has become, and how dependent we became on each other. We rely on each other for everything, and if one country falls, hundred follow...

      Lastly, South Korea. China's exports to South Korea amounted to$100.4 billion or 4.3% of its overall exports. South Korea purchases oil, furniture, and iron and steel. Also, South Korea only buys products from China, because they're good quality, and they'e cheap! I myself, am willing to admit that I don't think of where or who made the bed I sleep on at night, or the clothes I wear, but I sure am willing to stop and think from now on. South Korea's population is around 50 million, and I think that it's going to take a lot to get everyone's attention, and make everyone buy fair trade.

Saturday 30 May 2015

Organizations involved in helping Child Labour in China

     Even though China has been going through some very tough times from 1849-now, they aren't going through it alone. There are some organizations that are involved with helping the Children, such as UNICEF, The Harmony Foundation, and Free The Children. 

     UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) is an IGO/NGO that works in 192 countries all over the world, (including China). UNICEF'S main goal is to help children survive wherever they live, stop child exploitation (child exploitation is when people give children "goodies" such as food, cigarettes or even drugs to preform sexual activities on them), give children education, help children with HIV/AIDS, and last but not least... child advocacy! Child advocacy is a group of people who work together to help children and protect their rights. They are a part of the UN (United Nations), and they are the only organization willing to risk their own lives for the sake of children. UNICEF employees travel however they can to help children. Whether it be by boat, plane or car, they'll be there as soon as they can! UNICEF has helped the children in china for years now, and there is many more to come!


    Harmony Foundation is a charity, that provides education to children and other citizens. It was founded in 1985, and is universally recognized. Their goals/missions are to make our world more sustainable, while keeping up with our challenging lives, provide an education program, that challenges people yet gives them exactly what they need, and raise everyone with respect. They range from all sorts of topics from poverty to culture loss, but I'm just going to be focusing on child labour. Millions of children are working in absolutely mind-blowing conditions, and Harmony Foundation is the only organization that realizes that! Thanks to Michael Bloomfield, who started this organization, which is now internationally recognized! Harmony Foundation has helped the children in China get an education, and stay true to themselves.

Image result for free the children

   Free the children is an international programme, that started working in China in 2002. The organization was founded by Craig Kielburger in 1995 when he gathered 11 school friends to begin fighting child labour. He was 12. Their objectives in China are to terminate child labour in China, provide access for an education for them, and build capacity among rural china, and help those who are struggling. Free the Children has empowered thousands of children to take control of their own lives, and make the best of it.

      Did you know more than five million children in China have dropped out of school and are now full-time child labourers? Absolutely crazy?!?!Yet we still aren't doing anything about it!

      As you can see, there are organizations/people out there that are crying for help, pleading for our help. We need to help those children in China who are suffering. Society just took the first baby step to solve this monstrosity, and now it's our turn...

Monday 25 May 2015

History Of Child Labour in China

       Child Labour has been around for a while, but lately it's just been getting more noticeable. How far has it existed though? Study's say child labour in China has been occurring since 1849! Do you know how many children have been effected since then? Too many to count! One of the major causes for child labour in China is poverty. Many families can't afford to pay/ look after their kids, so they drive them to the city where they can get put to work for years to come, and forget all about their education. Child Labour in China has increased over the years, why you ask? Well, the standard of living has increased enormously, but the Chinese haven't yet been able to keep up with it, causing them to go deeper below the poverty line and then more children are put to work. These children are put to work fourteen hours a day, with no breaks or pay. And we hear people in Canada and the USA complaining they're getting paid minimum wage! Also, it is said that the majority of child labours are girls... All we worry about is making sure our shirt comes in from across the world right before one of our dances so we can wear it, in China, the children worry about making your shirt correctly and in time so they don't get punished! Now that's been going on for around seventy-six years! Almost all of the child-labourers have dropped out of school, so they can give their full attention to work. This problem has been going on for  a hundred and seventy-six years and no one noticed anything, or even shows any interest of stopping it either! I encourage you to watch this video, so you can learn all about what's truly going on right now. I hope this video makes you learn even more about what the poor children in china have been going through for the past one hundred and seventy-six years!, and hopefully it can stop ASAP.

Topic explanation: Child Labour In China

    My Child Labour in China blog focuses on children in China, and how their lives are far more difficult that it appears to be.Which includes me explaining to my viewers what they actually go through daily, and the history of child labour in China.To many people, child labour just appears to be known as children spend their days sewing teddy bears for children in the USA. However, that's definitely not the case. Child labour is when young children (usually age 5) spend endless hours (missing their precious education time) doing adult jobs, such as cutting down sugar cane with huge weapons (where they can die from the heat,exhaustion, or very serious injuries, because no one teaches them how to use a spear, they have to figure it out for themselves), making clothing, and getting paid around 30 cents an hour max.
. Many children die yearly because of child  labour. Children are supposed to be getting an education and really just having fun with their friends! Child Labour is very unhealthy and can harm their health in the future, because of all the pesticides and chemicals they have to deal with daily. One of the many rights that are being violated in China is the right to an education. Instead, the Chinese kids are wasting away their lives, just so we can have a shirt for tomorrow. However, China isn't the only place that contains suffering children, many more countries do too. I'm going to just be focusing on China, because if we just start off taking baby steps, this whole issue could go a long way... This image here shows what the possible results if we abolished child labour. See? Poverty could easily be decreased! We just have to realize what's going on currently in the world, and that's why I'm explaining all this to you!

Thursday 21 May 2015

Child Labour In China: Mission statement

   Mission statement: The whole point of this Child Labour in China blog is to share some information and make people snap into reality of what is really going on in the world, using my perspective. I hope that when you read this blog, you learn lots, and hopefully you change you point of view on the world and want to become someone willing to help the children in China. Stopping child labour in China isn't something that's going to happen overnight, especially when there's very few people willing to help, also because you guys don't realize how big a problem child labour really is! To start off, child labour is a humongous problem worldwide, affecting millions and millions of children, and taking their valuable little lives away. You only get to be a child once. How would you like it if you couldn't go and hang with any friends, or go to school to get the education you deserve, because you have to go cut sugar cane with very sharp spears all day? Not fun. My goal after this blog to to better educate all my viewers, and hopefully give you guys that extra "push" you needed to get going on the path to help all the poor, unhealthy, and restless children in China. No one really and truly understands what the children in China go through every single day, except for them. I am willing to do a lot to help them, and I hope by the end of this you are too. It's not fair at all that right from when you're born up until you reach adulthood that your child life is wasted. They can't even go to school because they are working and making clothing and cutting down plants at age five. I really hope you learn something valuable from this, and it opens new doors making you realize that work/labour is no place for children, however school is. So, let's work together and make child labour in China STOP!

Friday 15 May 2015

What Does A Global Citizen Mean, And Why Is It Important To Be one?

  A global citizen is someone who understands and is a part of the world community, they are more than willing to participate in world issues. They are willing to participate in multiple ways, such as economically, socially and politically. Being a global citizen is extremely important, because they understand the importance of the earth, and they are willing to do something to help the earth, and they value it so much. Also, they work very hard to keep our environment going for future generations, and they are very "green".  Global citizens raise the standard of living in all areas of the world. Global citizens play a huge role in our world. Example: Child labour! When a global citizen buys something that's fair trade, odds are children wouldn't have made it, and the adults that did get paid fairly. Global citizens pay attention to products they purchase, and make sure whatever they buy is going to benefit in more ways than one. Not to mention they are more aware of what's going on in the world, compared to someone who isn't a global citizen. If it wasn't for them, our earth would fall apart, and no one would truly care. Global citizens are definitely needed in our world, and we need more of them.